بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Recently Channel 4 and the BBC showed reports on the so called 'Ahmadiyya Hate Campaign'.
BBC Interviews Anam Taha
The BBC showed an interview of a girl named Anam Taha who claimed that she received a leaflet which called for the killing of members from the Qadiani Ahmadiyya Cult. The Cult have used this propaganda campaign in an attempt to silence those who expose the reality of their strange beliefs so that young Muslims are immune to their proselytisation. One such group is the Khatme Nubuwwat Academy London. The Qadiani Ahmadiyya never cease to try to tarnish the image of Muslims so they can continue with their fradulent claim of being 'The Only Peaceful Muslim Organisation'.
Where it All Started
In the Surrey Comet news dated Aug 27 - Sep 2 Omar Oakes (also known as Omar El-Ghmari) wrote in his article: "A teenage ahmadiyya girl, who did not want to be named, said she was "shaken and scared" after being handed a leaflet written in urdu saying: "Kill a Qadiyani and doors to heaven will be open to you". She said: I was coming back from shopping and a guy handed me the leaflet. While I read it he asked me to come back. I told him I was an Ahmadi girl and he demanded I return his leaflet, but I refused. "He was about 22 or 23 years old and had a long beard".
Surrey Comet Article
This leaflet in question was not handed to the police yet the girl claims she received it and she did not give it back.
One thing I noticed from this was she said: "I told him I was an Ahmadi girl" Now why would she have to clarify to the boy that she was a girl? Was it not obvious? Did she have a beard? (I just find it an odd she would say such a thing)
In a second article dated 14 October 2010, once again written by Omar Oakes it said: "Kingston police confirmed a teenage Ahmadi girl, who did not want to be named, gave them a statement claiming the leaflet, which was written in Urdu, said: “Kill a Qadiyani and doors to heaven will be open to you”. Police said they were appealing for information, but were not in possession of the leaflet, which was allegedly handed to the girl outside the Bentall Centre in Kingston town centre." Wandsworth Guardian Article
Now going by both articles we can determine that the girl "received" the leaflet yet failed to provide it to the Police during her report. Why has this happened? Where did this leaflet which (supposedly) called for her death go missing? Or why didn't she phone the police immediately after receiving the leaflet?
Channel 4 Report
On Sunday 5th December 2010 a special report was broadcast on Channel 4 "Hate Crime Investigation Into Threats Against Ahmadi Muslims" by Darshna Soni. On two minutes and three seconds during this report (2:03) Darshna Soni stated: "...Here in South London, we found leaflets being handed out calling on Ahmadis to be killed".
Funny enough this leaflet she claimed that she found was not shown in the report, other leaflets written in Somali calling for a Qadiani butcher to be boycotted and a leaflet published by the Khatme Nubuwwat Academy London called "Deception of the Qadiyani" was shown. What's more interesting is that not even the Police received these 'death' leaflets yet they were handed to Darshna Soni?
Somalian Leaflet
KNA Leaflet
BBC Report
On 8 December 2010 the BBC then showed a report by Divya Talwar. At twenty five seconds (0.25) Anam Taha (the girl who claimed she received the leaflet) said: "When I read that, I was kinda scared like wha..whats this really tryna say that kill us lot? Coz I was their alone I kinda got scared"
Whats important to notice is the way she seems uncertain about the event and also how she never explained that the guy who supposedly gave her the leaflet called her back, also at thirty seconds (0.30), she turns away from the camera looking up to her left and then says "because I was their alone I kinda got scared"
Throughout the interview she was unable to keep direct eye contact and her eyes kept jumping around.
BBC Report
Anam Taha
But what I found shocking after going back through both reports and studying them carefully was that Anam Taha (leaflet girl) was actually in the first Channel 4 report but she was not interviewed!
Left - bbc Right - channel 4
Left - bbc Right - channel 4
Maybe the truth is that Anam Taha NEVER received any leaflet, she created this false report because she wanted to gain popularity within her Cult thinking that one day they will repay her the favour, We Muslims know that Qadianis are adept at such things!
Correspondence with Channel 4
Recently Brother Tahir Hussain wrote a template to be sent to Channel 4 regarding the claim made by Darshna Soni she have received the leaflets:
To whom it may concern,
RE: Ahmadiyya News Report
On Sunday 5th December 2010 a special report was broadcast on Channel 4 at 7.30pm with regards to the "hate campaign" against the Ahmadiyya community. This news report is still available to view at the following URL on the Channel 4 website:
http://www.channel4.com/ne ws/hate-crime-investigatio n-into-threats-against-ahmadi-muslims
The correspondent for this news report, Darshna Soni, states on exactly two minutes and three seconds (2:03), "...Here in South London , we found leaflets being handed out calling on Ahmadis to be killed". This statement by Darshna, suggesting Muslims are calling on Ahmadis to be killed, is a grave accusation of soliciting murder and one which should be taken very seriously as it maligns the Muslim community at large. The Police and the CPS found no such evidence yet Darshna clearly states "we found leaflets" to the effect that they are in her (or Channel 4) possession. I request either Channel 4/Darshna acknowledge that they have possession of these leaflets and they are handed over to the Police or Channel 4/Darshna make a full retraction statement and apologise to the Muslim community for making an accusation of soliciting murder through misleading the public by explicitly declaring to have such evidence in their possession. Thank you for your time and I anticipate your reply.
Today I received a reply:
Thankyou for your email – we have considered the points raised and are now in a position to reply.Here is my last repsonse:
The report centred on claims that a minority religious sect are being persecuted here in the UK , claims investigated by the police.
We understand that this is a sensitive issue and have had a huge response from all sides. There is strong public interest in this story and we felt it was an important issue to cover. This decision has been further vindicated by the fact that the matter was debated in the House of Commons, and by the number of comments we have received – many from mainstream Muslims thanking us for our report. We want to address your questions directly:
As ever, our responsibility is to present the facts as we find them with a constant commitment to impartiality and balance. We feel this report meets that obligation.
- Firstly, we placed these issues in context – we made it clear that those issuing the threats were a minority of extremists. We also explained that many Muslims find the views of Ahmadis unacceptable.
- The leaflets Darshna Soni refers to in her piece were indeed passed to the police, and were the subject of a hate crime investigation
- We covered this issue from a variety of perspectives and we believe we fairly reflected the full spectrum of views.
We appreciate you taking the time to write to us, and your comments and feedback have been passed to the team that produced this report.
Best wishes,
Amy Lawson
Thankyou for your reply, it is much appreciated.
I would like to know which police station the leaflet was passed on to by Darshna.
The issue at hand is a very serious one and it is more shocking that Darshna has managed to find those leaflets yet never showed them in her report which I find quite surprising, considering she showed a leaflet written in somali which called for the boycott of a 'Specific' shop in tooting and another named 'Deception of the Qadiyanis'.
The girl (Anam Taha) who claimed to have received the leaflet did not even have one to provide to the police yet she claimed it was handed to her. Another thing I noticed in your opening footage of the report, Anam Taha was filmed by your channel yet she was not questioned by Darshna neither was a statement taken from her. This is really surprising that the key witness and the ONLY claiment of receiving the leaflet, was not interviewed.
I have substantial evidence that this leaflet (calling for the death of Qadiyanis) never existed and was all part of the Ahmadiyya propaganda campaign in order to silence us Muslims who know the reality and depth of their beliefs.
For the record: the police have stated that they haven't received any such leaflet calling for the death of the Ahmadiyya members.
I would appreciate your help in notifying me which police station the leaflet was provided to as this is a very serious situation and as a Muslim I totally condemn the killing of members of the Ahmadiyya organisation or any other innocent human being.
As I await their response I urge all Muslims to ACTIVELY refute the fitnah of this cult who are stealing our identity by deception! I remember telling Muslims about the fitnah of this cult late last year, many laughed it off and others claimed I was just starting 'Chain Messages'. Within the last year the fitna of this cult has dramatically increased especially in the UK and the USA! The media of both nations continue to highlight the Qadianis as being the only peaceful group.
Qadiani UK bus campaign
Qadiani USA bus campaign